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Saturday, 17 February 2018 21:24

HP ALM to IBM Jazz ALM CLM Migration

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HP ALM to IBM Jazz ALM CLM Migration HP ALM to IBM Jazz ALM CLM Migration

Rational provides Collaborative Lifecycle Management through its Jazz-based framework RTC, RQM, and DOORS NG is the ideal solution to migrate improve and optimize your quality management.t

Migration HP RQMFor customers interested in taking advantage of the IBM Jazz Platform Softacus provides services to migrate from HP to IBM Jazz CLM.
Hewlett Packard's Quality Center is a platform for managing a quality management infrastructure providing support for defects, requirements, tests, and business components.



Reasons to migrate to IBM Jazz Platform

There are many reasons why to migrate and in rare cases, there are also reasons not to migrate. As a committed IBM business partner we strive to make the migration smooth o on budget and within a reasonable amount of time. Among many advantages which you can gain by migrating to IBM Platform are following the main advantages:

  • IBM Jazz is an ALM Platform with greater possibilities for collaboration
  • Fully web-based platform
  • Full requirements management included (DOORS NG )
  • Work items, planning, and defect tracking perfectly integrated
  • Source code management included
  • Great cross-platform reporting included for free
  • IBM is the leader for ALM in the Gartner quadrant for many years
  • Flexible cost-effective licensing
  • IBM continues to invest the platform together with partners

Usually, migration is done with a mix of IBM and Softacus specialized resources.

Migration process

Here is a simplified rundown of how the migration service usually works.

  • Initial meeting to understands your needs
  • Analysis of current way of working and possible improvement already during the migration
  • Data analysis and mapping concept
  • Decisions what to migrate and what not
  • Proof of concept (1-2 weeks)
  • Validation of migrated data
  • Scooping, price and time estimation, and contract signature
  • Project data migration, transformation, cleansing
  • Upload to test and then to the production environment


Migration time depends on several factors. This could be a number of objects to be migrated, a number of projects, needed improvements, customization done in HP, amount and complexity of linkages, customized templates, structure & navigation, and availability of resources on both sides (client and Softacus).

Timeframe therefore may vary from 3-15 months.

Next Steps

Request a free migration consultation and learn more about how to ditch your legacy software.



Read 26107 times Last modified on Monday, 07 November 2022 13:20

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