DOORS Next Generation
Manage requirements efficiently to reduce your development costs and speed time to market

Improve requirements management with this world's best scalable solution.
IBM® DOORS® Next Generation
Improve requirements management with this world's best scalable solution.
IBM® DOORS® Next Generation

A fully web-based application helps you to get the right version of your requirements artifacts like stakeholder, system, subsystem, and software requirements. You can create and manage your own use cases, NFRs, Rules as well as attachments.

Changes under Control
Understand the impact of a change by very natural drag&drop linking. You can track your requirements from customers through the system, software up to test cases, and test execution records. If needed you can even trace to the source codes if software is involved.

Your requirements objects are changing constantly but do you want to always keep control? You can monitor changes on a fine granular level and you will be optically informed if some linked items changed. This will allow you to get confidence about your documentation and you can always be sure that it is up to date.

Risk Management and Safety
Manage your Gap Analysis, FMEA, Risk Analysis directly from your browser. Assign the attributes like Probability, Severity, Occurrence, and similarity and calculate Risk Priority Numbers before and after mitigation. Find the risks 3x faster and prove the mitigation at fingertip.

Single Source
Fully web based application helps you to get the right version of your requirements artifacts like stakeholder, system, subsystem and software requirements. You can create and manage your own use cases, NFRs, Rules as well as attachments.

Changes under Control
Your requirements objects are changing constantly but do you want to always to keep control? You can monitor changes on a fine granular level and you will be optically informed if some linked items changed. This will allow you to get the confidence in your documentation and you can always be sure that it is up to date.

Understand the impact of a change by very natural drag&drop linking. You can track your requirements from customer through system, software up to test cases and test execution records. If needed you can even trace to the source codes if software is involved.

Risk Management and Safety
Manage your Gap Analysis, FMEA, Risk Analysis directly from your browser. Assign the attributes like Probability, Severity, Occurrence, and similar and calculate Risk Priority Numbers before and after mitigation. Find the risks 3x faster and prove the mitigation at fingertip.

Extend the functionality via Javascript or use the Softacus library of home grown or collected enhancements.

Collaboration & Project Awareness
Comment and get notified about the discussed topics. Get the all important information in your dashboard. Assign tasks with workflow to achieve more as a team. Take advantage of review functionalities as well as context of the requirements information.

Create your own attributes and allow artifacts of your choice to use them.

Extend the functionality via Javascript or use the Softacus library of home grown or collected enhancements.

Create your own attributes and allow artifacts of your choice to use them.

Collaboration & Project Awareness
Comment and get notified about the discussed topics. Get the all-important information in your dashboard. Assign tasks with workflow to achieve more as a team. Take advantage of review functionalities as well as the context of the requirements information.
Simplification of Review Process
- Change Management and control
- Lock artifacts and Models
- Lock whole component and allow only changes which are approved
- Protect artifacts from change with workflows
- Get notified via "Supsect Linking" or "Link Validity" about change of linked artifact ... upstream, downstream, test, regulation and similar
Version and Variant control
Reuse Anything
Decrease time to market by reusing the most components of your projects or products specifications. You have unbelievable options... reembeded, copy, copy & link as well as comprehensive branching & merging functionalities. You can also save time and ensure consistency by reusing requirements, specification and even projects.
- Reuse the project objects in several ways.
- Reuse artifact throgh modules
- Support for Branching, Merging and Change Sets
- Artifact and Module templates
- Project templates
- Copy artifact within and from outside of the project
- Copy and Link from Project
- Reuse artifacts from other projects with same ID
- ....
Industry Standards Compliance and Automation
Link your requirements to Regulations paragraphs, documents and any other objects. Prove compliance to reglarors easily. Use electronic signatures and database functions to prove compliance
Exchange with external partners
- Word/Excel Import/Excel
- ReqIF Format Support
- Allow partners to work in closed project area on your server
Reporting and Publishing
- Datawarehouse at your fingertips, get report on current and historical data
- Beautiful team, personal, project cockpits and dashboards
- More than 800 out of the box report
- unlimited reports with easy to use report builder
- Customisable tables and pie / KPI charts
- Professional pdf, word, Excel HTML and XML output also possible with very difficult rules calculatios and formatting
Industry Standards Compliance and Automation
Link your requirements to regulations paragraphs, documents and any other objects. Proove compliance to regulators easily. Use electronic signatures and database functions to proove compliance
Exchange with external partners
- Word/Excel Import/Export
- ReqIF Format Support
- Allow partners to work in closed project areas on your server
Reporting and Publishing
- Datawarehouse at your fingertips, get report on current and historical data
- Beautiful team, personal, project cockpits and dashboards
- More than 800 out of the box reports
- Unlimited reports with easy to use report builder
- Customisable tables and pie / KPI charts
- Professional pdf, word, Excel HTML and XML output also possible with very difficult rules calculations and formatting