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Business Process Modeling & Automation

Automate, monitor and optimize processes with a business process management (BPM) solution

What is business process management?

Business process management (BPM) leverages software and services to provide total visibility into your organization’s business processes. BPM helps you automate, monitor and optimize continuously improve business processes to increase efficiency and reduce costs.

To begin your BPM journey, you must be focused on delivering business value. Success breeds success, so take an incremental approach that allows you to quickly prove value with a single project, build competency and skills and only then extend your journey across the enterprise.


Why is BPM important for your business?

Business process management is critical to the way that nearly all organizations operate. That’s because business processes lay the foundation for back-office and front-office business functions — from managing invoices and records to quickly opening customer accounts and offering real-time promotional offers to prospects. At the end of the day, business processes allow all the different parts of an organization to efficiently and effectively work together toward their common goal of serving customers better.

In the past, most organizations used BPM to achieve cost savings and productivity gains. But more recently, BPM has evolved to focus more on better serving customers. This emphasis on creating exceptional customer experiences has motivated companies seeking to remain competitive to adopt BPM practices and acquire BPM software.

Getting started


Start with business value

Successful business process improvement initiatives start with business value. Organizations must understand their business goals and strategy, then analyze their current processes to identify those that will deliver the greatest return on investment.


Select an initial project

Process improvement initiatives must deliver some quantifiable success or stakeholder commitment and project funding can dry up. By starting with a manageable project you can develop process improvement skills and deliver value to the business quickly, ensuring commitment, funding and success of subsequent projects.


Extend BPM across the enterprise

Once you have successfully completed an initial project, then you can start expanding your BPM adoption to additional projects, leveraging and sharing your expertise along the way to truly build a business process improvement program within your organization.


IBM Blueworks Live is cloud-based software that gives you a dedicated, collaborative environment to build and improve business processes through process mapping. Business analysts, subject matter experts, and any other designated editors or contributors can easily work together through an intuitive web interface to document and analyze processes to make them more efficient. And because it’s in the cloud, there’s nothing to download. It’s accessible anywhere and provides a single location for all business processes to live.


IBM FileNet® Content Manager is a flexible, full-featured content management solution that helps enable the creation of innovative business applications on any cloud to govern all enterprise content, automatically extract insight from unstructured content and dissolve content silos.


IBM® Business Process Manager lets your process owners and business users engage directly in the improvement of business processes. The full-featured, consumable platform includes tooling and runtime components for process design and execution, along with capabilities for monitoring and optimizing work. The platform supports mobile devices, features case management capabilities across its product editions and enables operations using a single process server or a federated topology.


Power your business applications with intelligent information extraction

What can we help you with?


Softacus AG

Löwenstrasse 20
8001 Zürich
E-Mail: info@softacus.com
Tel.: +41 43 5087081
Fax: +41 43 344 6075 

VAT: CHE-108.817.809 MWST
D-U-N-S® Number 486800618


Softacus GmbH

Westendstrasse 28
60325 Frankfurt am Main
E-Mail: info@softacus.com
Tel.: +49 69 34876544
Fax: +49 69 5830 35709

VAT: DE301903892
D-U-N-S® Number 313482703


Softacus s.r.o.

Křídlovická 351/47A
603 00 Brno
Czech Republic
E-Mail: info@softacus.com
Tel.: +420 530333482
Fax: +41 43 344 6075

VAT: CZ07286333
D-U-N-S® Number 496165108


Softacus s.r.o.

Tatranské nám. 3
058 01 Poprad
E-Mail: info@softacus.com
Tel: +421 911 083 612
Fax: +41 43 344 6075

VAT: SK2121388148
D-U-N-S® Number  2121388148


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