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Diagnostic Check


This extension ensures that administrators are promptly notified of any problems that may arise, allowing them to take corrective action before it impacts system performance or user experience.



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 Softacus has developed an extension to help system administrators of IBM Jazz keep track of their ELM applications. The ELM Diagnostic Check (DC) is a monitoring tool that regularly checks each service of the ELM application and reports any issues to the administrator via email. This extension ensures that administrators are promptly notified of any problems that may arise, allowing them to take corrective action before it impacts system performance or user experience. With the ELM Diagnostic Check, administrators can set up a monitoring schedule for their ELM applications, with customizable intervals to check each service.
The extension checks the status of each service, and if it detects any issues, it sends an email notification to the administrator with details of the problem, including the service name, application name, server name, and the exact time of the issue.
The ELM Diagnostic Check also provides the option to customize the email notification settings. Administrators can set up email addresses to receive notifications, customize the email subject, and add additional comments or details to the email body. This flexibility allows administrators to tailor the notifications to their specific needs and preferences.

Use Cases and Features

Types of messages:

  • Error
  • Warning
  • Success
  • Rights for the admin user removed (i.e. "Permission denied")
  • Server does not respond
  • Unhandled errors

In cases where a Jazz application encounters an error, the administrator remains unaware until such a time that business users lodge complaints about the ensuing issues. These issues could arise from a variety of causes, such as server downtime, link index discrepancies, or system clock malfunctions. The objective of this extension is to forestall such issues expeditiously and proactively.

Softacus has developed a robust software extension called the Diagnostic Check Widget that aims to proactively monitor and identify errors in Jazz applications. This extension regularly checks all the services in every ELM application in IBM Jazz and promptly informs the system administrator via email about any errors detected, such as server downtime, link index discrepancies, and incorrect system clock functioning. With the Diagnostic Check extension, system administrators can quickly identify and resolve potential issues before they impact users, leading to improved system reliability and enhanced user experience.

  • This software extension offers diagnostics support for several applications, including rm, ccm, qm, and jts, as well as others.
  • It enables administrators to configure email server settings using nodemailer.com/message, specify the jazz server domain, and establish the frequency of diagnostics checks (defaulting to five minutes).
  • Additionally, users can choose to only send messages once an email has been confirmed as either correct or incorrect, reducing the risk of spam.

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D-U-N-S® Number 313482703


Softacus s.r.o.

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D-U-N-S® Number 496165108


Softacus s.r.o.

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