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Urbancode ROI Calculation

Make the Case for ROI with UrbanCode Deploy

Are you ready to make the case to your executives and stakeholders that deployment automation solutions, such as IBM UrbanCode Deploy, is worth the investment in time, resources, and finances?  Below are resources and tools you can use to help monetize the benefits and ROI of deployment automation tools.  In addition, there are several blog posts that specifically address ways management should think about DevOps and justifying ROI.

TEI: The Total Economic Impact of Increased Application Velocity

IBM commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct their Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study that examines and quantifies potential return on investment (ROI) for IBM UrbanCode Deploy within an enterprise DevOps environment. The study determined that a composite organization, based on the customers interviewed, experienced an ROI of 482%!

Discover the economic impact and adapt it to your organization

ROI Calculator for IBM UrbanCode Deploy

An easy to follow, series of 10 questions will help you assess your current state, and provide an estimated value of what a deployment automation solution can bring to your organization.  Walk your prospects through this tool or let them try on their own, either way, they will begin to see actual dollars of potential savings!

Go here to calculate your ROI


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