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Displaying items by tag: ibm doors

Jan Adrian Links in DNG Part 2 

Due to the high interest in our previous webinar on Linking in IBM DNG, we are excited to announce a second session on July 23rd at 3:30 pm CET. Don't miss this opportunity!

During the session, we will continue our discussion on any topics related to links in IBM DOORS Next, such as:

  • Types of Links in DNG
  • Widgets
  • Link Reporting
  • Link terms and link sharing
  • Hyperlinks 
  • Link constraints and more

If you would like to master your link management skills and streamline your workflow in IBM DNG, but you missed the live session, contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will be happy to send you the recording.


Kerim 29

At Softacus, we excel in providing migration services from IBM DOORS to IBM DOORS Next Generation, ensuring a smooth and seamless transition for our clients.

Whether you're contemplating migrating from DOORS Classic to DOORS Next or simply seeking to explore the benefits of the latter, our upcoming webinar is for you.

Key topics that will be discussed:

  • Custom link types usage for migrated links - link types can be defined based on source and target object's module path in DOORS Classic or DOORS Next
  • Creation of nested Global Configurations structure based on created during migration DOORS Next streams and baselines
  • Flexible definition of artifact types based either on a dedicated enumeration attribute or conditions built on queries for more attributes
If you missed the live session, just reach out to us under This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will send you the recording.

We are excited to invite you to our upcoming webinar on the topic of "Commenting Options in IBM DOORS NG."

Date: January 29, 2024

Time: 3:30 - 4:30 pm CEST

Webinar rsz

Sing up now under this link

During the webinar, we will explore essential aspects of commenting in IBM DOORS NG, including:

  • Effectively using comments
  • Reviewing comments
  • Collaborating with internal and external stakeholders
  • Techniques for exchanging comments with end customers who do not have direct access

Our Solution Director, Jan Jancar, will introduce valuable techniques, such as:

  • Reviewing comments efficiently
  • Commenting on base and module artifacts
  • Finding comments using both out-of-the-box and attribute-based techniques

This webinar is designed to enhance your understanding of the commenting functionalities within IBM DOORS NG, providing valuable insights that can optimize your workflow.

Save your spot by registering here. After registration, you will receive a confirmation email with the webinar access details.

Feel free to invite your colleagues who might find this topic relevant. 

We are looking forward to seeing you at the event!

We're thrilled to announce our upcoming webinar Requirements Reuse in DOORS Next Generation / ELM.

Softacus provides  a training program on the Automotive Compliance Process which is released with the IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management Solution. 

rsz reconf


Auch dieses Jahr wird Softacus bei der REConf, die vom 24 bis 28. April 2023 stattfindet, sein.

Die REConf (Requirements Engineering Conference) ist Europas führende Konferenz mit Schwerpunkt Requirements Engineering. Auf der Veranstaltung werden neue Methoden, Trends und Tools in Vorträgen, Diskussionsrunden und Workshops diskutiert.

Am zweiten Tag der Konferenz (25 April) um 16:00 Uhr wird unser Solution Director, Jan Jancar, zusammen mit Peter Schedl von IBM, einen Vortrag zum Thema "Traceability - das Salz in der Suppe" halten

Anforderungen sind der Ausgangspunkt der Entwicklung und somit auch der Traceability für alle Entwicklungsdaten. Projekte stellen heute bereits sicher, dass alle Kundenanforderungen in Systemanforderungen überführt wurden und Testfälle spezifiziert sind. Nicht selbstverständlich ist die Traceability in Verbindung mit KPI’s oder der toolgestützten Impactanalyse bei sich ändernden Anforderungen. 

Softacus zeigt gemeinsam mit IBM Best Practices wie sich solche Szenarien mit DOORS und der Engineering Lifecycle Management Lösung einfach abbilden lassen.

Melden Sie sich für RECconf 2023 hier an: https://www.hood-group.com/reconf/anmeldung


Softacus top10

Softacus has been selected as one of the Top 10 IBM Solution providers for 2022 by the CIOApplications Europe - a popular European magazine on innovations and technology.

In this article, featured in the magazine in December 2022, our Solution Director, Jan Jancar, talks about the challenges engineering teams are facing nowadays and how Softacus and the IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management solution help organizations improve collaboration among software and system developers, increasing efficiency and product quality.

engineering enlightenment 1

Nov 17, 2022 from 09:00 AM to 11:00 AM (PT)
In this webinar, you'll see simple-to-use views that help you visualize the impact of changes—and analyze data relationships—across the IBM ELM tool suite (DOORS® Next, Engineering Test Management, and Engineering Workflow Management). Built on the IBM Engineering Report Builder engine, Engineering Insights makes it easy to visualize relevant relationships with static and dynamic views of cross-tool and cross-domain data.

This is session 7 of 7 that covers the IBM ELM tool suite.

IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management (ELM) is the leading platform for today’s complex product and software development. ELM extends the functionality of standard ALM tools, providing an integrated, end-to-end solution that offers full transparency and traceability across all engineering data. From requirements through testing and deployment, ELM optimizes collaboration and communication across all stakeholders, improving decision- making, productivity and overall product quality.

Presented by: Jim Herron of Island Training.
For more information and to register click here
June 23, 2022 from 10:00 to 11 AM (PT)
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Still managing requirements and test assets with Excel® and Word? In this webinar, you’ll see Word and Excel requirements transformed into an intelligent network of linked assets in DOORS Next for improved RFP response, requirement decomposition, tracing, and reporting.

This is session 1 of 7 that covers the IBM ELM tool suite.

IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management (ELM) is the leading platform for today’s complex product and software development. ELM extends the functionality of standard ALM tools, providing an integrated, end-to-end solution that offers full transparency and traceability across all engineering data. From requirements through testing and deployment, ELM optimizes collaboration and communication across all stakeholders, improving decision- making, productivity and overall product quality.

Presented by: Jim Herron of Island Training
Online Instructions:

The Spring 2022 Engineering Lifecycle Management User Group Conference will be virtual from May 16 – 19. Each day’s agenda will run three hours, packed with interesting and valuable information, but also respectful of your busy schedules. This conference will focus on the increasing complexity challenging today’s systems and software development teams.

The forum will promote best practices, collaboration, model-based design, digital thread, and optimal reuse. You will hear from IBM experts, long standing IBM Partners, as well as technical professionals like yourselves. The conference promises to be informative, as well as a great opportunity to exchange views and network with your peers.

IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management (ELM) is the leading platform for today’s complex product and software development. ELM extends the functionality of standard ALM tools, providing an integrated, end-to-end solution that offers full transparency and traceability across all engineering data. From requirements through testing and deployment, ELM optimizes collaboration and communication across all stakeholders, improving decision-making, productivity and overall product quality.

Register here for the conference.

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Softacus s.r.o.

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D-U-N-S® Number 496165108


Softacus s.r.o.

Tatranské nám. 3
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